Electrical Engineer, with experience in the public and private sector. Her professional career has focused on regulatory matters, electricity pricing, certification, standards and quality control. In addition, she worked as an electrical engineer in the construction project of the Willy Brand International Airport in Germany, in the areas of management and quality control.
Business case studies associated with the application of H2 in industry and the electricity sector.
Analysis of energy projects with a focus mainly on the technical and commercial area.
Business consulting and project management. Quality control during and after the Willy-Brandt airport project. Review of technical drawings and specifications, electrical documentation, on-site measurements. Drafting of protocols and reports.
She was working in the Pricing and Tariff Department of the National Energy Commission (CNE), public entity of the Chilean Government. Main tasks: Participation in the electricity tariff regulation sector and supporting the integration into legislative processes for fair pricing; Calculation of energy prices for the regulation of energy distribution companies; Drafting of monthly reports for the Pricing and Tariff department.
Development of lighting calculation projects in coordination with experts from different areas. Analysis of lighting impact on companies in the northern part of the country. Generation of Test Protocols. Professor of the Lighting Project subject at the School of Electrical Engineering. Analysis of light impact and equipment testing in compliance with DS 43 of Light Pollution in Northern Chile. High knowledge in international standards IEC 60598-1; IEC 60598-2-3 and IEC 60598-2-5. Electrical certification of equipment.
Analysis of maintenance and cycles of electric motors. Preventive tests of electric motors. Successful internship with takeover offer after graduation.
Development of plans and calculation reports for electrical engineer projects. Lighting design and engineering of the new Yerbas Buenas 154/13.2 kV substation.