Electrical Engineer and candidate for a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering at La Sapienza University of Rome, with more than 4 years of experience in the energy sector. She has extensive knowledge in the areas of medium and high voltage, including the technical aspects of substation project development up to the connection process, and a wide knowledge of the regulatory and commercial structure of the assets. She has experience in asset management, information gathering and engineering analysis, as well as in regulatory monitoring and strategic analysis of new regulations in the sector.


2024 - Actualidad
Proyect Engineer
Energie Fern Consulting

Development of projects and consultancy in the field of energy, electrical engineering and regulation of the electricity market.

Analyst Engineer
Comisión Nacional de Riego

Preparation of a unit price analysis (UPA) of the components required for the development of electrical projects for irrigation systems, photovoltaic generation systems and other NCRE sources applied to irrigation projects in their different typologies.

Regulatory Engineer

Responsible for providing regulatory information, analyzing, quantifying and conducting studies related to the application of transmission regulation in all areas of interest of the Company. On the other hand, she provide a permanent monitoring of Chilean and Peruvian regulation, as well as regulations under development or discussion.

2017 - 2019
Proyect Engineer
Valgesta Energía

Development of proposals, studies and advice in the field of energy, electrical engineering and electricity market regulation.

2016 - 2017
Proyect Engineer

Inventory and optimization of primary equipment, electrical installations and structures of all the company's substations, through reviews of plans, calculation memories and technical specifications of equipment and materials; all this for the review requested by the authority for its subsequent valuation.


2019 - Actualidad
Master's degree in Electrical Engineering
Universidad la Sapienza, Roma
2009 - 2017
Electrical Engineering
Universidad de Santiago de Chile

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